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常识 2024年05月14日 04:00 178 admin

"STG" stands for "Storage" in the context of big data. It refers to the data storage component within a big data infrastructure, where large volumes of data are stored, managed, and processed for various analytical and operational purposes. The storage component is a critical part of big data systems, as it needs to efficiently handle the vast amounts of structured and unstructured data generated by modern organizations. This includes various types of data such as documents, emails, sensor data, logs, and more. Additionally, the STG component often includes features for data replication, backup, and disaster recovery to ensure the integrity and availability of the stored data.

标签: 大数据英语缩写 大数据英文名称是什么 大数据英文简称 大数据的英文全称是 大数据英文表述

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