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生活 2024年05月16日 17:01 730 admin

1. "Big data enables companies to make more informed business decisions by providing valuable insights and trends." (大数据可以通过提供有价值的见解和趋势,使企业做出更明智的商业决策。)

2. "The use of big data can help organizations improve their operational efficiency and reduce costs." (使用大数据能够帮助组织提高运营效率并降低成本。)

3. "Big data allows businesses to better understand their customers and tailor their offerings to meet specific needs." (大数据使企业更好地了解他们的客户,并根据其特定需求调整其提供的产品或服务。)

4. "With big data, companies can leverage predictive analytics to anticipate future trends and stay ahead of the competition." (借助大数据,企业可以利用预测分析来预测未来趋势并保持竞争优势。)

5. "Big data provides a wealth of information that can be used to identify new business opportunities and areas for growth." (大数据提供了大量信息,可用于发现新的商业机会和增长领域。)

6. "Through the use of big data, companies can improve their marketing and advertising efforts by targeting the right audience and delivering personalized messages." (通过使用大数据,公司可以通过定位正确的受众并传递个性化信息来改善其营销和广告活动。)

7. "Big data can be used to enhance product development and innovation by identifying customer needs and preferences." (大数据可以通过识别客户需求和偏好来增强产品开发和创新。)

8. "The analysis of big data can help healthcare professionals make more accurate diagnoses and improve patient outcomes." (大数据的分析可以帮助医疗保健专业人员作出更准确的诊断并改善患者预后。)

9. "Big data can improve supply chain management by optimizing inventory levels and reducing waste." (大数据可以通过优化库存水平并减少浪费来改善供应链管理。)

10. "With big data, government agencies can better understand citizen needs and provide more efficient and effective public services." (借助大数据,政府机构可以更好地了解公民需求并提供更高效和有效的公共服务。)

标签: 大数据好处和坏处英语 大数据优点和缺点英文 大数据的好与坏英语作文 大数据的优势与劣势英语作文

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